Re: Carl Sagan

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 02, 1997 at 23:25:48:

In Reply to: Re: Carl Sagan posted by Lynn on January 01, 1997 at 21:25:58:

: I would be interested to know why you, and others here, feel that religion is dangerous to you. The truth seems to be that it's the Christian religion that most of you are bothered by. Amanda stated that she had more respect for the ancient Pagan religions of the time as opposed to the God of the ancient Israelites. I found this interesting, since many of these religions commonly practiced human sacrifice and other abominations. She cited the superiority of the
Many Christian denominations practice ritualistic cannibalism when they offer up the body and blood of Christ in the form of a wafer and wine.

Greek civilization even though they worshipped a myriad of gods and were constantly at war. And even though she was arguing about how Christianity has been unfair to women, she didn't seem to have much of a problem with the Muslim religion which is notorious for it's less than humane treatment of women. (Sorry, Amanda, I don't mean to pick on you) The fact that Christianity seems to be the only politically INcorrect religion only tends to strengthen my belief that it is the right one.

Many ancient civilizations will seem barbarous to us today.

The only reason why it seems that we are "picking" on Christianity is that it is the dominate belief system in our soceity and we have more experience with it. If Islim were the dominate religion here it would get the same examination as Christianity has.

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